
Line Backseam 20 denier er vores let-dækkende strømpebukser lavet med materialer i høj kvalitet, med et flot detalje af en smal lodret søm på bagsiden.
Med Line Backseam kan du tilføje et afsluttende touch til både dine hverdags - og festlige outfits.


  • Mat finish
  • Søm langs bagsiden af benene
  • Flade sømme
  • Hygiejnisk bomuldskile
  • Fine tåsømme
  • Mediumbred elastik

Gennemsigtighed: let dækning

Free delivery on EU orders over 80 EUR. More info

Full satisfaction guarantee on first order with 30 days free return. More info

Fast delivery 2-6 days internationally with track and trace

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It's no secret that the global fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. It is responsible for more than 4% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the world. This is a huge contribution to the atmospheric warming that has raised global temperatures.

The sock industry represents one of the biggest challenges in the textile industry; large overconsumption, low quality and heavily polluting production. We have made it our mission to address the challenges of the industry.

see what we do to change this